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Design Tips for Offering Envelopes

It’s time to talk designing your offering envelopes! That’s right, now that you’ve made the decision to use offering envelopes to benefit for your business’ goals, the next step is figuring out how to get the wow-factor that’ll be sure to draw your audience in.

Don’t worry! You don’t need to be a Graphic Design expert or be the next Pablo Picasso. Designing your offering envelopes is so simple, anyone with a computer can do it!

First, you will need to consider imagery that stands out.

What is the number one thing most people notice when looking at an advertisement: the words or the pictures? If you said pictures or images, you would be correct! The human eye is naturally drawn to images first because they are usually quicker for the brain to process; that, and the aesthetic of the picture is usually imagined in a way so as to immediately attract any on-looker.

For this reason, it would be wise to think of your offering envelope designs as a form of advertisement. You want to use attractive images so when your clients receive their envelopes they are more inclined to donating to your cause.

The first thing you'll want to do is grab our blank offering envelope template. This template uploads perfectly into our website and is a perfect starting point.

Okay, so where should you go to find and edit these images? Photoshop, Illustrator, or InDesign although a bit pricey, are fantastic tools to use when manipulating images to your liking. If you would like to avoid the added costs, however, we completely understand. You can try checking out GIMP for a free editing program or Canva for a free logo building site, as well.

If you are in need of some offering envelope template inspiration, check out our online portfolio, we have hundreds to look at!

Now, on to Keywords & Colors.

Since we have discussed the importance of images in attracting your desired audience, we cannot forget that the colors and wording also play a significant role in achieving your company’s goals.

When you have an image idea all sorted out, it would be wise to then consider the color scheme of your donation envelopes. You will want to use no more than three colors on your template. If you use more, than it may become overwhelming to the eye and it could decrease the chance of receiving the donations you’re hoping for.

Of course, you will want to also include your company name, logo, and/or slogan. If you don’t already have a company slogan, you can always create one to add to the donation envelope. Try thinking of something catchy that uses keywords relating to your business!

Still feeling a bit overwhelmed? How about trying our offering envelope design service?!

We want to make this process as easy and pain-free as possible for our clients. In order to do so, we have provided a step-by-step, user-friendly offering envelope designs on our website. And be sure to check our tithing envelope portfolio for inspiration!

Our mission at is to assist our clients in receiving only the best donation envelopes for their business, while providing top-notch customer service that is sure to make to process from designing to receiving as stress-free as possible. We would be more than happy to help you design your offering envelopes so contact us today!

Offering Envelope Design